About Me

Welcome to my page!

 I’m Kat a BACP accredited counsellor, an EMDR therapist and
a clinical supervisor based in Inverclyde, however since giving up my office during
the pandemic I am offering primarily remote sessions. I work from a stance that
everyone makes sense in context. This means working collaboratively to build an
understanding of what is impacting you now, how this makes sense in the context
of your life and what we can do together to get the outcome you want.

 My initial training in pluralistic therapy equipped me with
a comprehensive understanding of various therapeutic models, including
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Person-Centred Therapy, and Transactional
Analysis. Since then, I have gone on to specialise in support people to recover
from stressful and traumatic experiences. This involved training in further
trauma specific modalities, such as Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing
(EMDR), The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and Deep Brain Reorientating
(DBR). From this training I would together with you to build a bespoke therapy
to meet your therapeutic goals.


I also work as a supervisor, offer occasional workshops and
teach on the Counselling and Forensic Psychology course at The Open University,


Contact Details

Call/text/whats app: 07754467180

Email: kstevenscounselling@gmail.com

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Qualifications and Experience
Contact Details
EMDR Therapy
Presentations and Publications


MSc in Counselling (Abertay University) (2016)

MA (Hons) in Psychology (Dundee University) (2013)

I have also completed further specialist training such as Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), counselling for drug and alcohol misuse and Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) training (see below).

Further Training and Courses

Certificate in Counselling Supervision (Glasgow Council on Alcohol) (2021-2022)

QQI Level 9 Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (IICP) (2021)

Developing Skills in Couple Work (Tavistock Relationships) (2020)

Deep Brain Reorientating & Deep Brain Reorientating Advanced (Dr Frank Corrigan) (2020)

Treating Complex Trauma with Internal Family Systems (IFS) (Dr Frank Anderson) (2019)

EMDR and Ego State Therapy (Dr. Michael Paterson) (2019)

Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Self-Alienation. (Dr. Janina Fisher) (2018)

EMDR Basic Training (Richman EMDR Training) (2017-18)

Working Safely and Therapeutically with Domestic Abuse. (BACP) (2016)

Comprehensive Resource Model Training (Lisa Schwartz) (2016)

Working Therapeutically with Gambling Addictions. (Gamcare) (2016)

Working Therapeutically with Trauma and Dissociation. (Carol Harrison) (2015)

Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder (First Person Plural) (2015)

Open College Network Level 3 Award for professional working in the sexual violence sector (West Midlands University) (2015)

Counselling for Gambling Problems (Accredited through GamCare) (2014)

Working with Survivors of Sexual Abuse (Rape Crisis Scotland) (2014)

Counselling for Alcohol/Substance Misuse (Accredited through Alcohol Focus Scotland) (2013)

COSCA Certificate in Counseling Skills (COSCA) (2012-13)

Training for Trainers in Suicide Alertness For Everyone (SAFE) talks (2012)

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) (2011)

Past and Current Workplaces

Session Cost

For individuals funding their own sessions, for EMDR, Counselling or Supervision, I charge £50 per session, which lasts 50 minutes to an hour. Longer sessions can be arranged if we both agree this would be helpful. For a 90 minutes session the fee is £75.

For EAP’s, insurance and companies prices vary so please get in touch to discuss this.

I aim to be as fair as possible with my cancellation fee, and ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or re-arrange your appointment. If you don’t come to an arranged appointment, or cancel with under 24 hours notice I charge a half the agreed session fee.

If you would like to talk to decide whether you would like counselling I’m happy arranging a time for a chat over the phone or through email.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

This can be a tough question, especially when getting counselling for the first time. If you are getting therapy funded through health insurance or an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) you may be limited to a specific number of sessions.

What you are looking to get from counselling will also be an important factor to consider. Some people may only need a short number of sessions to get what they want out of counselling, and some people may want to work more longer term. Throughout counselling we will regularly check in and make sure you are still finding it helpful

Organisations I work with

I take referrals or have previously worked with a number of EAPs and insurance companies. Some of these are;

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach developed by Francine Shapiro in 1987. It harnesses the brain’s natural ability to heal itself, similar to how the body heals. EMDR has proven to be effective in treating Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and a variety of other mental health conditions. To help you understand EMDR better, I will provide links to informative videos from EMDR associations.


Understanding Trauma

Normally, your body processes new information and experiences without conscious awareness. However, when you experience an overwhelming event, such as a car accident, or undergo repeated distressing situations like childhood neglect, your natural coping mechanism can become overwhelmed. This overload can lead to unresolved memories and feelings remaining stuck or unprocessed in your brain. When a person experiences trauma, the memory of the event can become stuck in an unprocessed and distressing state.

These traumatic memories are stored in the limbic system, associated with emotions and physical sensations, rather than in a verbal narrative form. As a result, they can be triggered repeatedly when you encounter similar situations, even if you have forgotten the specific memory itself. This can manifest as ongoing anxiety, panic, anger, or despair, hindering your ability to live in the present and learn from new experiences.

How EMDR Works

Through EMDR, bilateral stimulation is used to create a dual attention focus. This means that while recalling the traumatic memory, individuals simultaneously engage in eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation. This dual attention focus appears to tax the working memory, which is responsible for holding and processing information.

By engaging the working memory through bilateral stimulation, EMDR aims to facilitate the reprocessing of the distressing memory. This allows for the integration of the traumatic experience into the person’s broader memory network, where it can be transformed into a less distressing and more adaptive memory.

In summary, EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation to engage the working memory, enabling the reprocessing and integration of traumatic memories. This helps individuals move towards healing and resolution of their traumatic experiences.

What to Expect in an EMDR Session

During an EMDR session, after a comprehensive assessment, you will be asked specific questions about a disturbing memory. The therapist will then guide you to track their finger moving back and forth across your visual field, or use other methods like a bar of moving lights or headphones. These eye movements will be performed for a brief period before stopping, and you will be encouraged to share your experiences during each set of eye movements. These experiences may include changes in thoughts, images, and emotions.

With repeated sets of eye movements, the targeted memory tends to lose its distressing intensity and becomes a neutral memory of the past. Furthermore, related memories can also be linked and healed, resulting in significant improvement in various areas of your life.

Applications of EMDR

In addition to its efficacy in treating PTSD, EMDR has been successfully utilized for a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, panic attacks, depression, stress, phobias, sleep problems, complicated grief, addictions, pain relief (including phantom limb pain), self-esteem issues, and performance anxiety.

EMDR can be a focused and brief treatment or a part of a longer psychotherapy program. Sessions typically last 60 to 90 minutes. Throughout the treatment, you remain in control, fully alert, and awake. EMDR is not a form of hypnosis, and you can stop the process at any time.


The effectiveness of EMDR as a treatment has been supported by substantial evidence from rigorous research. Over a million individuals have benefitted from this innovative therapeutic approach. EMDR has been the subject of nineteen controlled studies, making it the most extensively researched method for trauma treatment. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends EMDR as an effective treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

These videos provide insights into the principles, techniques, and applications of EMDR therapy, and demonstrate the impact of trauma on the brain.


I offer comprehensive supervision for therapists, emphasising a collaborative approach that centres on your personal and professional growth. Together, we can focus on your specific goals and aspirations as a therapist, tailoring our work to meet your individual needs. Whether you’re seeking support in enhancing your skills, expanding your theoretical knowledge, or navigating professional challenges, I am committed to providing guidance and fostering your development in a collaborative and empowering manner.

Contact Details

Call/text/whats app: 07754467180

Email: kstevenscounselling@gmail.com